We have all seen those signs on the highways that say Adopt a Highway” along with a business name listed below it, but what does that mean exactly? What actions and/or costs are associated with the business and the highway? Let’s find out.“Adopt a Highway” is a community-based program that allows individuals, groups, or organizations to take an active role in the maintenance of a specific section of a highway. This includes the cleanup and beautification of the particular strip that the municipality has designated for them. Participants agree to routinely clean and maintain that stretch of road so that the highway is always visually appealing to the drivers and the community it serves.
What Agency Manages Adopt a Highway in New York State?
The New York State Department of Transportation is responsible for setting up the coordination and logistics for companies and organizations to adopt a section of road along a highway. They establish specific guidelines for participants.
So far, about 5,000 miles of NYS highway have been adapted.
What’s the Length of Highways to Adapt?
The adopted stretch of highway typically ranges from one to several miles long, depending on the program and the location.
What are the Requirements to Sponsor a Highway?

Litter removal is the first priority. Organization volunteers pick up trash and debris along the roadside, subsequently preventing it from accumulating. This not only improves the aesthetics of the area but also contributes to environmental conservation by preventing litter from entering storm drains and waterways.
Other responsibilities can include landscaping, weed control, and the repair or replacement of signs. Some groups may even undertake more extensive beautification projects, planting flowers or trees along the roadside to enhance the overall appearance of the area that is sponsored.
What are the Formal Procedures?
Those participating in the program would sign an agreement with the NYSDOT. These agreements outline the specific responsibilities and expectations of the adopting group, including the frequency of clean-up efforts, safety guidelines, and any restrictions on certain types of activities.
In recognition of their contribution, the organizations are acknowledged with a sign posted along the adopted section of the highway. This sign may display the name or logo of the adopting entity, serving as a visible symbol of their dedication to the community. The recognition not only honors the volunteers but also encourages a sense of pride and ownership in the adopted area.
What are the Benefits Above and Beyond Litter Removal?
Besides keeping the public spaces clean and well-maintained, it fosters a sense of community engagement and responsibility, as volunteers actively invest their time and effort in enhancing the quality of their surroundings.
Overall, “Adopt a Highway” is a collaborative effort between government agencies and local communities to promote civic responsibility, environmental stewardship, and community pride.
Through the dedication of volunteers, this program continues to make a positive impact on the appearance and sustainability of highways and the communities they traverse.
For more information, you can contact the NYSDOT or go to their website where you will all the necessary information will be provided for your organization to sponsor a highway.
Patricia Scanlon is a traffic ticket attorney who services clientele in Long Island, NYC, and throughout NYS.